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Can Of Corn Roster
Owner: Scott Stucki {shootthe3}

(Send Message)
Total Value:$102,224,000
Cash Balance:$0
Max Loan:$6,499,000
Stadium:Chase Field, Phoenix (2014-2018)
Team Batting  |  Team Pitching  | Team Fielding  |  Batter Ratings  |  Pitcher Ratings  |  Fielder Ratings  |  League Rules  |  Draft Matrix

Position Players
POS Player Salary BA OBP SLG R HR RBI RC Stats
C Perez, Eddie $934,000 .256 .289 .395 5 1 6 5.07 RS, BR, Details
C Roseboro, Johnny $5,008,000 .278 .311 .371 9 1 10 10.93 RS, BR, Details
1B Pipp, Wally $4,889,000 .302 .352 .453 48 5 45 48.45 RS, BR, Details
1B Skowron, Bill $3,849,000 .291 .331 .473 53 11 50 54.54 RS, BR, Details
2B, 1B, LF, RF Anderson, Marlon $792,000 .278 .333 .413 15 0 17 18.38 RS, BR, Details
2B Bush, Homer $1,366,000 .258 .286 .303 7 0 6 5.88 RS, BR, Details
3B, 1B Blalock, Hank $2,632,000 .300 .391 .300 2 0 1 2.77 RS, BR, Details
3B, 1B Boone, Aaron $1,105,000 .232 .286 .387 20 3 27 15.89 RS, BR, Details
3B, 1B Hillenbrand, Shea $1,185,000 .333 .371 .417 10 1 11 11.69 RS, BR, Details
SS, 3B Fregosi, Jim $7,625,000 .258 .326 .425 57 8 33 50.14 RS, BR, Details
LF Stone, George R  (INJ) $8,133,000 .330 .383 .507 59 8 47 55.96 RS, BR, Details
LF, RF Whitfield, Terry $1,323,000 .323 .350 .469 12 1 13 13.33 RS, BR, Details
CF, LF, RF Davis, Eric $9,688,000 .240 .331 .420 43 12 44 39.08 RS, BR, Details
CF, LF, RF Jacobson, Baby Doll $5,582,000 .255 .304 .403 45 8 39 39.56 RS, BR, Details
RF, LF, CF Bell, Derek $957,000 .361 .439 .611 5 2 9 8.97 RS, BR, Details
Total Value:  $55,068,000 (54%)

POS Player Salary IP W L ERA Sv K BB Stats
SP Fernandez, Sid $9,810,000 126.0 6 8 4.00 0/0 105 57 RS, BR, Details
SP Melton, Rube $1,324,000 51.0 0 1 3.53 0/0 46 37 RS, BR, Details
SP, SS Mendez, Jose $8,724,000 78.2 6 7 4.58 0/0 61 21 RS, BR, Details
SP Miller, Wade $2,687,000 64.1 4 2 3.64 0/0 54 33 RS, BR, Details
SP Wells, David $9,816,000 145.2 12 6 3.34 0/0 74 24 RS, BR, Details
RP Allen, Neil $1,172,000 13.0 0 0 4.85 1/3 8 9 RS, BR, Details
RP Duensing, Brian $1,293,000 21.0 3 0 6.43 2/2 5 7 RS, BR, Details
RP Lloyd, Graeme $3,831,000 47.2 4 2 3.40 1/4 21 12 RS, BR, Details
RP Torres, Carlos $2,001,000 51.2 4 0 4.18 2/4 30 20 RS, BR, Details
CL Gagne, Eric $4,856,000 39.2 3 4 1.59 14/18 33 11 RS, BR, Details
Total Value:  $45,514,000 (45%)

Inactive-Injury Reserve
POS Player Salary Games On IR Stats
C Bertell, Dick $500,000 85 games RS, BR, Details
1B, 3B, LF Jackson, Ron $642,000 7 games RS, BR, Details
SS Santana, Rafael $500,000 85 games RS, BR, Details
Total Value:  $1,642,000 (2%)

✻ - Left handed
# - Switch hitter

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