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Edge of 22/17 Roster
Owner: James Mudrock {jim_mud}

(Send Message)
Total Value:$145,894,000
Cash Balance:$21,000
Stadium:Memorial Stadium, Baltimore (1965-1969)
Team Batting  |  Team Pitching  | Team Fielding  |  Batter Ratings  |  Pitcher Ratings  |  Fielder Ratings  |  League Rules  |  Draft Matrix

Position Players
POS Player Salary BA OBP SLG R HR RBI RC Stats
C Porter, Darrell $5,316,000 .220 .316 .374 58 13 69 58.36 RS, BR, Details
C Spencer, Roy $994,000 .174 .228 .186 5 0 2 1.75 RS, BR, Details
1B, LF Cepeda, Orlando $12,345,000 .277 .327 .423 87 17 98 85.25 RS, BR, Details
1B LaCock, Pete $548,000 .275 .288 .392 4 2 8 5.79 RS, BR, Details
2B Morandini, Mickey $1,027,000 .252 .315 .296 60 0 37 47.90 RS, BR, Details
3B Mueller, Bill # $5,830,000 .265 .335 .349 74 6 63 75.46 RS, BR, Details
3B, 2B, SS Zimmer, Don $545,000 .217 .296 .217 4 0 2 1.43 RS, BR, Details
SS, 2B Hemus, Solly $7,635,000 .257 .362 .359 99 7 65 93.07 RS, BR, Details
LF Charboneau, Joe $2,874,000 .196 .241 .235 3 0 2 0.77 RS, BR, Details
LF, CF Simmons, Al $17,783,000 .286 .325 .445 90 21 119 93.29 RS, BR, Details
LF Willingham, Josh $6,639,000 .244 .357 .424 71 20 76 87.53 RS, BR, Details
CF, LF, RF Gaston, Cito $524,000 .267 .340 .356 6 0 1 5.99 RS, BR, Details
CF, LF, RF Hall, Jimmie $5,120,000 .244 .300 .386 69 18 64 63.04 RS, BR, Details
CF, 3B, LF Reiser, Pete $12,094,000 .267 .342 .360 90 6 73 84.10 RS, BR, Details
Total Value:  $79,274,000 (54%)

POS Player Salary IP W L ERA Sv K BB Stats
SP Derringer, Paul $7,534,000 60.1 2 6 4.48 0/0 43 14 RS, BR, Details
SP Hubbell, Carl $14,287,000 291.1 17 12 3.31 0/0 203 85 RS, BR, Details
SP Key, Jimmy $10,585,000 84.0 3 6 3.43 0/0 33 27 RS, BR, Details
SP Root, Charlie $8,240,000 251.1 13 17 4.69 0/0 171 103 RS, BR, Details
RP DiPino, Frank $3,943,000 17.2 1 4 7.64 0/2 8 6 RS, BR, Details
RP, SP Drews, Karl $937,000 82.1 6 1 4.37 3/4 40 29 RS, BR, Details
RP Easterly, Jamie $680,000 64.2 2 3 4.04 1/1 32 31 RS, BR, Details
RP, SP Griffin, Tom $836,000 54.2 3 0 6.42 0/1 40 36 RS, BR, Details
RP, SP Halama, John $2,789,000 110.1 4 6 4.00 0/1 52 35 RS, BR, Details
RP Jackson, Mike $5,188,000 40.1 3 1 2.90 3/4 27 12 RS, BR, Details
CL Nathan, Joe $10,101,000 50.0 3 3 0.72 26/28 63 18 RS, BR, Details
Total Value:  $65,120,000 (45%)

Inactive-Injury Reserve
POS Player Salary Games On IR Stats
C Needham, Tom $500,000 162 games RS, BR, Details
SS Pena, Roberto $500,000 162 games RS, BR, Details
2B Young, Bobby $500,000 162 games RS, BR, Details
Total Value:  $1,500,000 (1%)

✻ - Left handed
# - Switch hitter

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