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League Rules

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Where's the Beef Progression II Teams: 12 Commissioner: andy crosmer
Select a team franchise from the 90-99 period. Must use a ballpark that was home to that franchise during the 90's. All players must have played from that decade. Also select one player NOT from that decade who played for that team who is your franchise player and CANNOT be waived. $125 M budget/ DH on.
Type: Custom
Coding: Classic
Associations: 1
Divisions per Association: 3
Era of Play: Home Run Derby Era
DH Rule: On
Allow Starting Pitcher As DH (Ohtani Rule): No
Weather Effects: On
Injuries: Use Player Profile
League Pace: 3 Games/Day
Salary Cap: $125,000,000
Release Refund - Before Season: 100%
Release Refund - During Season: 75%
Loans Allowed: Yes (Interest 15%/Week)
Interest Earned on Cash Balance: 5%/Week
Weekly Payments: { Week1: $2,000,000, Week2: $2,000,000, Week3: $2,000,000, Week4: $6,000,000, Week5: $2,000,000, Week6: $2,000,000, Week7: $2,000,000 }
Type of Draft: auto
Player Pool: All Players
Who assigns Draft Order: random
Who assigns Divisions: random
Draft Pick Order by Round: snake
Hold Period: 24 hrs
Trades Allowed: Yes (Trade Deficit Limit 90%)
Live Games: No
2020 3 batter minimum rule: No
Batter pitching restrictions: No
Can award intentional walk: No
Extra Inning Rule (Regular Season): Off
Plate Collision Rule: Off
Pickoff Throw Rule: Off
Active roster size: 25 players on active roster

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