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2024 Masters T Finals1 Teams: 24 Commissioner: Robert Jecmen
24 finalists of the 2024 Masters.
Type: Custom
Coding: Classic
Associations: 2
Divisions per Association: 3
Interleague Play: Yes
Era of Play: Standard Era
DH Rule: Off
Allow Starting Pitcher As DH (Ohtani Rule): No
Weather Effects: On
Injuries: Use Player Profile
League Pace: 9 Games/Day
Salary Cap: $125,000,000
Release Refund - Before Season: 100%
Release Refund - During Season: 75%
Loans Allowed: Yes (Interest 15%/Week)
Interest Earned on Cash Balance: 0%/Week
Weekly Payments: { Week1: $5,000,000, Week2: $5,000,000, Week3: $5,000,000, Week4: $5,000,000, Week5: $5,000,000, Week6: $5,000,000, Week7: $5,000,000 }
Type of Draft: manual (Time Limit: 15 minutes; Limit not enforced between 8pm and 8am PST )
Player Pool: By Year (1920-1948)
Who assigns Draft Order: random
Who assigns Divisions: random
Draft Pick Order by Round: snake
Hold Period: 24 hrs
Trades Allowed: Yes (Trade Deficit Limit 90%)
Live Games: No
2020 3 batter minimum rule: No
Batter pitching restrictions: No
Can award intentional walk: No
Extra Inning Rule (Regular Season): Off
Plate Collision Rule: Off
Pickoff Throw Rule: Off
Active roster size: 25 players on active roster

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